Featured Recipes

Cloud Eggs on Thick Toast

Crustless Sandwich Bread

Cloud Eggs on Thick Toast

Cheese and Red Bean Paste Sandwich (thickly sliced)

Crustless Sandwich Bread

Cheese and Red Bean Paste Sandwich (thickly sliced)

Dirty Chocolate Toast

Crustless Sandwich Bread

Dirty Chocolate Toast

Prawn and Ham Toast Tart (thickly sliced)

Crustless Sandwich Bread

Prawn and Ham Toast Tart (thickly sliced)

Japanese Fruit Flower Sandwiches

Crustless Sandwich Bread

Japanese Fruit Flower Sandwiches

Pan-fried Shrimp and Corn Cake Burger

Hamburger Bun

Pan-fried Shrimp and Corn Cake Burger

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